Highly flexible and resistant to high and low temperatures. Unlike other silicone materials, SRFR displays outstanding physical strength. It resists extreme heat shocks, and exhibits good thermal insulation SRFR is nonburning and has outstanding ablative properties as well as excellent physical and electrical properties. SRFR is used in medical equipment where its key properties are outstanding flexibility and ability to withstand exposure to sterilization conditions. Other applications include thyristor power cable insulation, heating element and bus bar insulation, fiber optic bundle sheathing, and rocketry support cable protection.
Minimum shrink temperature: 135°C [275°F]
Minimum full recovery temperature: 175°C [347°F]
- Highly flame-retardant
- Extremely flexible at high and low temperatures
- Shrink ratio 1.5:1 minimum except sizes 4/2.9 and 29/20
- RoHS compliant